
Pleasure to Pain



lined paper planet said...

First, very cool blog. i like it a lot, I'll be sure to check it out more in the future- in response to your comment about A-Rod:

I agree with you that A-Rod is, in fact, a dork. I am an old school type guy myself and I think if you're a franchise player on a successful team you should make a deal to stay there, like A-Rod in Seattle. Also, I loved Alfonso Soriano as a Yankee so to me the deal to get Rodriguez from Texas was a little strange to begin with. But even as a Yankee fan I am coming from the same angle as you, I hope he does well to spite the fools who boo him in New York. It's almost blasphemous for a Mariner fan to call A-Rod their favorite so I understand your dilemna.
ps how about that Felix Hernandez kid the Mariners got, could be the best young pitcher in baseball.

lined paper planet said...

Also, pretty good job on that quiz. When I was a freshmen my political science professor gave us that quiz the first day of class and said if we could not get 7 of 10 we didn't belong at a University- The average score was 3.5. I think you got 6 or 7.

keep in touch-tyson

lined paper planet said...

The lecture from 4/24 is good. I think you teach well and also you have an incredible subject. The history of the Mid-East is one of the coolest to study and most important in applying to current events.
I've had classes where just the history is taught without connecting the dots as to why it matters today. You do a great job of explaining the significance of the history. That's the only way it will ever hit home for students.